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Results 1 - 9 of 9



RISE UP! - Community Youth Center

San Francisco
APIVPS provides case management services, support group and enrichment activities for in-risk API youth and works to reconnect them with caring adults and peers. More Info

Newcomer Club (NCC) - Community Youth Center

San Francisco
The Newcomer Club is an intensive program that supports a newcomer youths’ social, emotional, and family relationships while unpacking what it means to live in America. More Info

Bayview Community Advocate (BCA) - Community Youth Center

San Francisco
CYC opened a branch office in the Bayview/Hunter’s Point neighborhood in 2011 with programs and services that target the neighborhood’s API and Latinx residents. Its goal is to promote racial harmony and build partnership with others. More Info

Parenting Skills Program (PSP) - Community Youth Center

San Francisco
PSP provides weekly parent support groups and parenting skills development classes. It allows a knowledge space for parents to access to resources. The weekly parenting classes are available in English, Cantonese or Spanish. More Info

La Voz Latina

San Francisco
Supporting the various needs of low-income, monolingual Spanish-speaking immigrants in the neighborhood providing housing assistance, immigration information and advocacy, Spanish interpretation, public safety, and leadership and skill development. More Info

Bayview Youth Advocates (BYA) - Community Youth Center

San Francisco
BYA is committed to reducing violence, creating harmony and understanding through outreach, education, and advocacy. More Info

Job Readiness for English Language Learners (JRELL) - Community Youth Center

San Francisco
JRELL provides workshops, internships, job fairs, corporate tours, and coaching for English Language Learners to help youths aged 14-17 overcome financial barriers and gain experience learning how to navigate a real-world job market. More Info

Transition Opportunities and Programs for Success (TOPS) - Community Youth Center

San Francisco
TOPS targets high-risk Asian and Pacific Islander Transitional Aged Youth (age 16-24). More Info

API Youth Leadership Council (YLC) - Community Youth Center

San Francisco
APIYLC provides weekly workshops that encourage leadership development, social awareness, and civic engagement in API youth. More Info