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Sports Club - The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center

San Francisco
Kroc Center Lunch-Time Basketball Monday through Friday between 11am-1pm and Mondays 6pm-9pm Full-court basketball pick-up games More Info

Tenderloin Youth Sports Initiative - Bay Area Women's and Children's Center

San Francisco
BAWCC's Tenderloin Youth Sports Initiative has sports programs for youth residents of the Tenderloin community. TYSI has provided organized sports experiences in: Basketball Bowling Flag Football Dance More Info

Gymnasium - The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center

San Francisco
A bilingual, English/Spanish community center that provides activities for all ages including summer camps and after school activities for youth, a women's group, and a senior center that serves meals. More Info

The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center

San Francisco
A bilingual, English/Spanish community center that provides activities for all ages including summer camps and after school activities for youth, a women's group, and a senior center that serves meals. More Info

Bay Area Women's and Children's Center

San Francisco
Bay Area Women’s and Children’s Center (BAWCC) is a multi-faceted resource center in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood. More Info