Women on the Move Drop-In Support Groups - GLIDE
Business Details
Providing survivors of domestic violence with education, prevention and intervention while healing, and empowering.
Tuesday - Friday Hours: 9am - 10:30am
Location: Room 101A
In our daily circles, we encourage women to reduce the harm of risky behaviors by taking incremental steps toward healthier life decisions and relationships. Each day, the women encourage each other in finding their own strength and voice. Safety, support, and community are our watchwords. After each session, the women are invited to a special breakfast together from 10:30 - 11am, prepared and served by GLIDE's Daily Free Meals Program.
Tuesday: Meditation and Stress Reduction
Wednesday: Harm Reduction for Domestic Violence, Codependency and Substance Abuse
Thursday: Healthy Relationships
Friday: Finding Our Voices/Defending Our Lives
Songs of Our Ancestors: Healing Thru Negro Spirituals, Wednesday: 3:00pm - 4:30pm.
In addition, 9-week, closed support group for women who have consistently participated in the drop-in support groups and are ready to take a closer look at personal histories to get to the root of risky behavioral patterns. This group meets 1 day a week for 2 hours over the course of 9 weeks.
- Provider:
GLIDE is an organization that provides needle exchange, health services, legal assistance, women and violence services, and food. They also provide referrals for shelters in the community.
General Inquiries: (415) 674-6000
Shelter Reservations: (415) 674-6032
Daily Meals Program: (415) 674-6043
Women's Services: (415) 674-6023
Behavioral Health Dept.: (415) 674-6170
Health Svcs.: (415) 674-6140
Women on the Move Drop-In Support Groups - GLIDE